Jamie Hayes

About - Research - Code & Misc. - CV

Email: j.hayes at cs.ucl.ac.uk

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I am a research scientist at Google DeepMind and a student studying for a PhD in the Information Security group at UCL. My supervisor is George Danezis and second supervisor is Thore Graepel.

My research interests include adversarial machine learning, network traffic analysis, privacy, anonymity and machine learning (ML) applications to information security. Before joining UCL I studied under Anuj Dawar in the Programming, Logic, and Semantics Group at the University of Cambridge, working on the parameterized complexity of the graph isomorphism problem.



    I will join Google DeepMind as a research scientist.


    I will spend five months with the robust and verified AI team at Google DeepMind working on machine learning applications to zero-bit watermarking.


    I will spend the summer at Google Research working with Ian Fischer on conditioning techniques in generative machine learning.

    I will spend the spring at Microsoft Research working with Olya Ohrimenko on privacy-preserving machine learning.


    I gave a talk at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center on adversarial machine learning.

    Our privacy-preserving machine learning pipeline has recently gone live on GOV.UK Verify.

    I have been awarded a Google Fellowship in Machine Learning.

    Throughout 2017 I will be working at the GDS on device fingerprinting problems, and the NRL on network traffic analysis.